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5 factores a tomar en cuenta para tu estrategia de crecimiento.5 factors to take into account for your growth strategy.

Boosting your presence within the industry doesn’t have to be that difficult if you have the right strategy. It is not only about improving your internal operations to increase your productivity and profitability, but also taking into account how your market is moving to improve the final quality of the products or services offered and thus increase your sales. In this regard, we share 5 factors to take into account when planning your growth strategy:

  1. Clear metrics: The key to success is always being clear about how it manifests itself in your company. Learn to set SMART goals and know how to direct your business numbers to where they really matter, because not all metrics are a clear reflection of your success.
  2. Delegate tasks: learn to concentrate on what matters and stop burdening yourself with what only takes up your time. Delegating also helps you empower your team and improve your and your team’s trust in them. Assessing the relevance of a task is knowing how to identify what takes up your time.
  3. Customer orientation: It is important that you ask yourself if your growth strategy is performance-oriented or attracting and keep your customers satisfied. Focus on understanding your consumers and on growing and adapting your business according to their needs.
  4. Communication: many times internal communication is the missing piece of the puzzle for customers to gears of a company move correctly and it can grow. It is important to always understand where your team is and come up with a comprehensive strategy based on their views.
  5. Experimentation: Finally, don’t be afraid to experiment. If you think you lack data to understand and project your growth, obtain it through experimentation. Remember to always stay in control and gather as much information as possible.

Accompany your growth strategy with the tools used and endorsed by experts. The different solutions of Intelisis, a company of Mexican origin, allow you to better control your business through an ERP software, CRM, BI, business apps and cloud technology. Learn more about what Intelisis can do for you.

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